Friday, September 22, 2017

Teachers Against Bullying

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One of the biggest issues we have in school systems across the country is student safety. In 2017, many students do not feel safe at school. The issue with safety isn't always relegated to outside threats, but more and more students feel threatened at school due to bullying. Bullying is an issue that is present at all schools, and it can be found on every grade level. The question is, how do we as teachers eliminate this bullying issue? Below are some links to some helpful resources and articles that I think will be beneficial in establishing a safe, bully-free learning environment. Feel free to check them out at your leisure, but I would also like to hear from you.

Current teachers: How do you handle bullying in your schools/classrooms?
Future teachers: What methods do you plan to implement to ensure a bully-free environment at your school/future classroom?

Bullying is a major issue in our school systems, so let's work together to "knock out" bullying--ONCE AND FOR ALL!!

Warning signs for bullying.

Facts about bullying.

Different types of bullying.

Teachers Against Bullying

Add caption One of the biggest issues we have in school systems across the country is student safety. In 2017, many students do not fee...